Hossein Fatemi CV



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    Hossein Fatemi rozpoczął karierę w fotografa w roku 1997. Od tamtej pory wiele podróżował i pracował między innymi w Libanie, Pakistanie, Turcji, Iranu, Iraku, Gruzji, Rosji, Indii, Kenii, Somalii, Afganistanie i Bangladeszu.

    Jego prace są wystawiane na całym świecie oraz publikowane publikowane między innymi w The Sunday Times Magazine, Newsweek, Time, Paris Match, VSD magazine, NEON magazine, Foreign Policy, The New York Times, National Geographic, The Guardian and The Washington Post. Hossein dokumentuje życie irańskiej młodzieży oraz codzienność życia w swoim rodzinnym kraju, i jednocześnie zajmuje się projektami publicystycznymi i dokumentalnymi.  Jest laureatem licznych nagród, w tym POYi, LensCulture, Days Japan, Unicef and CHIPP. Otrzymał także stypendium The Art of Photography Show w San Diego, USA. Po kilku latach pobytu w Afganistanie, przeniósł się do Chicago w USA.

    Hossein Fatemi began his career in photography in 1997. Since then he has travelled extensively and worked in Lebanon, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Georgia, Russia, India, Somalia, Kenya, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

    His work has been exhibited internationally and published widely in publications including The Sunday Times Magazine, Newsweek, Time, Paris Match, VSD magazine, NEON magazine, Foreign Policy, The New York Times, National Geographic, The Guardian and The Washington Post. Hossein has documented the life of Iranian youth and daily life in his native country while continuing to shoot news and current affairs stories. He has received numerous awards including POYi, LensCulture, Days Japan, Unicef and CHIPP. He has also been awarded a grant to work on his personal projects from The Art of Photography Show in San Diego, USA. After a few years covering the war in Afghanistan, he is now based in Chicago, USA.